The Gwynedd Council Learning Disability Service and the Llwybrau Llesiant team feel strongly about supporting carers in Gwynedd.
The purpose of this page is to share any information we may feel could be beneficial to carers. We aim to review this page regularly, so if you would like to have a say regarding the information shared here please get in touch through our ‘get in touch’ page.
Our responsibility
Social services have a responsibility to assess the needs of a carer for support when suitable according to the Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014. If you would like to arrange an assessment for practical or emotional support, please get in touch via the ‘get in touch’ page.
Additionally, if you care for an elderly or disabled person, you can ask for a carer’s assessment unless we have not already offered you one. This is a chance for you to discuss your caring responsibilities with us, so we can find out how you could benefit from extra services or support.
You can decide whether you want a joint assessment with the person you care for, or a separate carer’s assessment.
For more information regarding carers assessments visit the 'carers' page on the Gwynedd Council website by clicking the following link - Carer Page on Gwynedd Council Website. Alternatively, you will find information about a number of organisations dedicated to supporting carers in bilingual document attached at the bottom of the page.
PBS Helpline
Life with Covid-19 restrictions can feel particularly isolating and lonely. It helps to talk to someone who understands our situation, and family and friends will likely always be our first choice. But sometimes it helps to talk to someone who is hearing it for the first time, and who has experience and expertise with similar situations.
With funding from the Department of Health and Social Care, Bild have been providing a Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) helpline to provide support for family carers and support staff during Covid-19.
Supporters, carers and family members might want to discuss how they are doing, to gain reassurance that they are doing the right thing, or they might want to talk through some ideas and get some practical suggestions.
To hear more about the PBS helpline, and to discover how to get in touch with them, visit their website by following this link - PBS Helpline Website.
What is 'Positive Behaviour Support'?
The overall aim of PBS is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. PBS is especially appropriate when someone is distressed or if their behaviour is concerning or challenging.
Here's a video by BILD which gives an introduction to PBS:
Gwynedd Transformation Group
The Gwynedd Learning Disability Transformation Group are keen to have lay members as part of the Group. Please note that this is a voluntary role.
The purpose of the Learning Disability Transformation Group in Gwynedd is to:
• Ensure that providers / stakeholders and individuals work jointly and co-produce the work of developing and commissioning services for adults with a learning disability in Gwynedd.
• Share information.
• Decide what the priorities are for the learning disability field for the year.
• Work collaboratively to develop a Needs Assessment.
• Support and contribute to the regional agenda and so much more.
As part of the Learning Disability Service’s commitment to engaging communities in promoting the wellbeing of our citizens, we would like volunteer Lay Members to be a part of this Group. The person’s role will be to bring a more ‘grass roots’ perspective to the work of the Group; to think as a member of our community; and to play a part in the development of our work as a Transformation Group.
If you would like to hear more about this role and the Gwynedd Transformation Group, please click on the 'LD Transformation Group Member' attachment at the bottom of this page, or get in touch with us by email at
National Carers Week
What is Carers Week?
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don't think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.
When is Carers Week?
7-13 June.
What is going on during Carers Week?
There are a range of sessions and activities available during the week, and they're all free to join. If you would like more information and to search for activities near you visit their website by following this link - Carers Week Website.
Carers Wellbeing Day - 29/06/2021
Carers Wales are delighted and excited to announce our dedicated virtual wellbeing day.
We want to invite unpaid carers to join us in a celebration of the Mindful activities that we have had on our Me Time sessions and share that experience with other carers who are in the same position.
We are hosting a full day of activities to support the mindfulness and wellbeing of unpaid carers on Tuesday 29th June 2021. Each session is individual and you can join as many or as few as you like. You do not have to commit to the whole day.
The day will look like this:
• 10.00 -11.20 – Relaxation through Dance and Music
• 11.30 -12.50 - Dru Yoga
• 14.30 - 15.50 - Learn to Salsa for beginners
• 16.00 -17.20 - Laughing Yoga
• 17.30 – 18.50 – Zumba for beginners
• 19.00 – 20.20 - Qi Gong Yoga taster
For more information about the Carers Wellbeing Day, or to book your place click on the following link - Carers Wellbeing Day Booking Page.