The Gwynedd Learning Disability Transformation Group are keen to have lay members as part of the Group. Please note that this is a voluntary role.
The purpose of the Learning Disability Transformation Group in Gwynedd is to:
• Ensure that providers / stakeholders and individuals work jointly and co-produce the work of developing and commissioning services for adults with a learning disability in Gwynedd.
• Share information.
• Decide what the priorities are for the learning disability field for the year.
• Work collaboratively to develop a Needs Assessment.
• Support and contribute to the regional agenda and so much more.
As part of the Learning Disability Service’s commitment to engaging communities in promoting the wellbeing of our citizens, we would like volunteer Lay Members to be a part of this Group. The person’s role will be to bring a more ‘grass roots’ perspective to the work of the Group; to think as a member of our community; and to play a part in the development of our work as a Transformation Group.
If you would like to hear more about this role and the Gwynedd Transformation Group, please click on the 'LD Transformation Group Member' attachment at the bottom of this page, or get in touch with us by email at